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Lorsque la génétique devient de l'art


1 735 vues

Hunter O'Reilly a cette particularité d'être artiste et généticienne. Elle a réalisé de nombreuses oeuvres et je vous propose ici une petite sélection ainsi que l'adresse de son site pour ceux qui auront apprécié sa vision artistique.


Contagious Beauty by Hunter O'Reilly

This painting is of a woman infected with HIV. The oval structure surrounding her face is an HIV particle. Although this woman is carrying a deadly contagious disease her demeanour is positive because current treatment enables many people with HIV to lead healthy lives for many years.


The Creation of Organs: Stem Cell Research by Hunter O'Reilly

This painting illustrates the ability of stem cells to create specialised cells (hence the nerve cells you can see), tissues and organs (hence the heart, kidney and lung) and their potential to advance the treatment of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. The women in centre of the painting are evaluating stem cell research, for despite the huge benefits of it, some people disapprove, seeing an embryo as a human being with the rights of an individual.


Unique Clones by Hunter O'Reilly

This painting shows several developing cloned embryos, all growing at different rates, each having identical DNA yet still having unique characteristics determined by their environment.


Malaria Resistance by Hunter O'Reilly

Carved into the red background of this painting are orange shapes representing the sexual stage of the malaria parasite. The monkey in the middle of the painting has the molecule chloroquine integrated into its ear and head - a once inexpensive treatment for malaria - that the parasites are now developing resistance to. You can also see mosquitoes (the insects responsible for transmitting malaria), and livers (part of the life cycle of the malaria parasite is in the latter). You will see normal red blood cells but also sickle red blood cells, for people heterozygous for the sickle cell trait are resistant to malaria.

Le site de l'artiste :

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Ce qui me frappe est l'utilisation des couleurs... Le nombre, les nuances, l'intensité, la(es) symbolique(s) qui leurs sont attachées et leurs échos avec les thèmes évoqués...

Et, la présence de la femme, en filigrane, à travers les peintures choisies...

Merci pour cette découverte Dominique.

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